Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Handling Sorrow

Life is full of ups and downs. In those times of tragedy one can often feel stranded and possibly even lose the desire to pray.
In the mist of my own sorrow I've struggled to seek the Lord. I've asked myself "how do I form my mouth to utter the words "Father" when my heart is so heavy with grief?"

We aren't alone. Jesus was a man (just like us) of sorrows aquainted with grief. (Isaiah 53:3)
Hebrews 5:7 says Jesus who in the days of his flesh, offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto Him that was able to save him from death...

In the garden of Gasemene Jesus was so sorrowful that he sweat blood; but yet he yielded to the will of Father God. Imagine the weight of his afflication. What you're going through may pale in comparision to what Jesus suffered however, it's not insignificant. It truly matters to the Lord.

Don't forget, God is in the mist of your circumstance. If you want to ask "why", then ask. If you need closure, then pray for closure. The Lord loves you dearly. He's with you through the good and the bad. He is your strong tower. He's the Good Shepard. Jesus carried all things for you on the cross, so cast your cares on the Lord, and live in the mental freedom God has promised. The Lord is with you.

Psalms 121


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